Workplace Depression: A World Crisis As a Mental Health Activist/Advocate and workplace suicide survivor, I know that life is hard while working under the stress from many bosses, but that is no reason to end it. One of the key goals of my website is to encourage suicide prevention among those struggling with depression, especially in the workplace. Through my organization based in Chicago, Illinois, I hope to share stories that bring awareness of depression and enlightenment about the extent of mental illness in the workplace. My goal is to join together a world community to prevent employees from harming themselves and to educate corporations worldwide about employee mental health issues. "You are not alone. We share this planet together."
Now I can help others bullied in the workplace. Now I can speak up and speak out that bullying in the workplace will not longer be tolerated. Hopefully together we can save lives. I will be your voice.
Warning to Corporate America "We're not going to take it anymore" This Diva is ready to fight Goliath
Say NO to Bad Bosses Say NO to WorkPlace Bullying Say NO to WorkPlace Mental Cruelty
Hello, my name is Sandra Snowden. Depression. I have it. I am now a workplace bullycide survivor. I am one of the lucky ones. I hope my voice will speak for millions of others whose voices have been silenced by suicide. There is Hope. Depression does not discriminate. It affects one out of every four people on the planet. I also suffer with panic attacks, anxiety and PTSD.
These conditions are considered a disability under The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). I have filed against my former employer with both The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and with The Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR). Finally, after two years of investigation, I was given my (Right to Sue) notice from both government agencies. The IDHR alone found "Substantial Cause" against my former employer on violation of six of my civil rights. I then filed with the Illinois Human Rights Commission, and representing myself Pro Se.
In addition, I filed a Federal lawsuit Pro Se against my former employer for harassment (bullying), age discrimination, retaliation, interference with my medical leave and several other charges. If the courts would allow me, I would also file suit for workplace bullying, mental cruelty, and verbal abuse. The judge in the Federal Court appointed me an attorney for representation. My attorney, Timothy Touhy, a renowned Chicago attorney, represented me in the highest regards in my federal lawsuit. I hope that my case will bring to light a dialogue in the American workplace and the world that this kind of treatment from which I have suffered with my former employer must end. Millions of people suffer in silence with depression daily at their desk. Many are bullied by their bosses. Many commit suicide while employed at their companies from being bullied by their bosses. I call this "Workplace Bullycide,” and it must be stopped NOW.